3 weeks ago

Bank Exam Coaching – National Institute Madurai

Bank Exam Coaching

Bank exams are most awaited by the banking aspirants who wish to make a career in public sector banks in India. Every year, most of the public sector banks release vacancies for Probationary Officer (PO), Clerk and Specialist officers. Mainly, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts these exams. However, some banks and financial institutions such as SBI, NABARD and RBI conduct their exams separately.

Apart from being highly reputed and prestigious, the banking sector jobs in India are highly lucrative. It comes with a good salary package, job security, and other monetary benefits in the form of various allowances.

IBPS PO Exam : IBPS conducts Common Written Examination (CWE) since 2011 to recruit officer and clerks in public sector banks. It is a 3 level examination i.e. preliminary, main and interview. Preliminary is of qualifying in nature i.e. the marks.

IBPS SO Exam : IBPS conducts common recruitment process (CRP) for selecting the rightful personnel as Specialist officer in the participating banks. Aspirants having specified qualification or relevant technical proficiency in the field of Information Technology.

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